
Commission Info

Comission Status : Open

Terms of service

・Carefully consider before commission, you can see more of my Art in my Gallery/the reveiws from others for a better decision.・All of the commissioners have to fill my commission form for ordering.・For a Commission requesting need only visual references (Only colors that you can describe)・Please do not change your character after a sketch part (think carefully)・For payment, I accept Paypal ,or through Kofi・The payment has to be upfront, for claiming a queue.Refunding will only be accepted if your order exceeds the expected time frame for when I was supposed to start working on it or if I am unable to complete your commission (100% refundable).No Refund will be given for reasons unrelated to my work process (e.g., changing your decision, wanting to use the money for something else).・There will be no refunds once I have started your commission.・If the buyer overpays, the difference will not be refunded and will be considered a tip. (Most buyers will receive a fixed amount link ( or an invoice, so those who choose to pay through these methods don't need to worry about filling a wrong amount)・You can only get complete works after I received the full payment.・ No rush if possible.・When you received the finished work,Only a minor detail editing is acceptable・When you received your Art, No tracing, copying, editing, stealing, reselling.・I have the rights to post your commission on my social media and portfolio (Smaller version -in JPG) (except,commercial commission that have some other conditions)・Please, Do NOT claim the art as yours, give me a credit where necessary.・Please, Do NOT blackout or Scam・This Terms of Service (TOS) may change at any time without prior notice. Please review it before commissioning.

I won't take any responsibilities besides these
if you order/pay me a commission, means you agree with my TOS

Do not Draw
- Real people
- Sexual scene
- Old age
- described references (except colors)
- Different Style besides mine
- Transforming Real people into Cartoon style (in this case you have to have a full version of Cartoon form)
- Male real body scale (except Chibi)
- Oc x Canon

Price info

Chibi PriceNormal Character : 55 USD Each Character
Detailed Character: 65 USD Each Character
(with simple and transparent BG)Rushing fee : 20 USD

Bust shot (Head to Chest) PriceNormal Character : 55 USD Each Character
Detailed Character: 65 USD Each Character
Rushing fee : 20 USD
(come with simple BG and you can ask for Transplant BG)

Knee- up PriceNormal Character: 65 USD
Detailed Character: 85 USD
Add Character : +$70, Detailed Character: $+80
Rushing fee : 20 USD
(come with simple BG and you can ask for Transplant BG)

Full Body PriceNomal Character: 85 USD
Detailed Character: 125 USD
Add Character : +$80, Detailed Character: $+105
Rushing fee : 20 USD
(come with simple BG and you can ask for Transplant BG)

How to order

- reply to any of my Comission posts or message me directly
- I will send you a commission form. when a price has confirmed I will send you an invoice on Paypal.
- Work can be started only when I receivd the full payment in each order.
- I will send you a sketch, in this part allow you to look through a rough work and let me know where you want to fix, add and remove.
if not, I will continue until work is done.
- You will receive a finished commission on email (or if we have any problems later).

When you can pay

- an invoice will be sent after your price is confirmed.
- you can pay whenever you are ready but you will not be on the slots untill I got a full payment. ("Unpaid" status, you will still on the waitlist)
(I will follow the order by the slots)

Example of my Commisson form

As a comissioner I agree and accept all of the commission rules: Yes/No ("Yes" you can continue filling the form /for"No" you can stop here,change your mind or ask me for more details)
Commercial Use : Yes/No
Email: for sending finished works
Paypal email/Payment address:
Type of art: Chibi/Bust/Knee-up/Fullbody
Character Name:
Character Personality Traits:
Visual Reference:
This character belongs to:
permission for posting Wip on public: yes/no
Time for posting your finished work: any time after I got the work/ or tell me the date and time that I should post.
add/on: Anything, you want to tell me more?
For 2 or more Characters:
-if you want them to be on the same picture (couple commission) fill their info in the same form.
- if you want them separate picture, please fill the form for each of them and send it to me as once.

what's Waitlist?

- Anyone who willing to wait for my commission slots,will be added to the waitlist. I will contact you right the way when any slots available by order.
- No need any payments for being on the waitlist.
- When you are on the waitist, you can change your decision anytime (ex. don't want to commision me this time, change character).
- Anyone that completes commission order but has not yet complete payment will be on waitlist.